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in the Green Procurement Compilation52 Results : plug load
Building Plug Loads - GSA Sustainable Facilities Tool
Building Plug Loads Plug loads can average approximately 30% of electricity...attributed to parasitic loads (power draw of a plug-load that is not performing › learn › about › 572 › building-plug-loads -
Operational Carbon - GSA Sustainable Facilities Tool
...the electric grid to manage energy loads and facilitate the transition of the...reductions. For example, participate in load-management activities such as peak shaving › learn › about › 659 › operational-carbon -
Transformation to Net Zero Energy Buildings - GSA Sustainable Facilities Tool
...facilitate conversion to renewable energy? Load reduction. Develop policies and active...sensors for lighting. Process and plug load management. Passive strategies. Passive › plan › 421 › transformation-net-energy-buildings -
Electric Vehicles and Electric Vehicle Supply Equipment - GSA Sustainable Facilities Tool
...vehicles, including battery electric, plug-in hybrid electric, or fuel cell electric...External Space Battery Electric Vehicle Plug-In Hybrids (PHEV) Electric Vehicle Supply › learn › about › 666 › electric-vehicles-electric-vehicle-supply-equipment -
Sustainability Topics - GSA Sustainable Facilities Tool
...reading: Environmental Programs Plug Loads Plug loads refer to energy used by that is plugged into an outlet. In an office, key plug loads include computer › learn › 1 › sustainability-topics -
MaterialDetails - GSA Sustainable Facilities Tool
Device Description Certain plug-loads have predictable load profiles. These devices...effectively manage a predictable plug-load. It applies user-programmed schedules › material › 2166 › schedule-timer-control-device -
LED Price Drop - GSA Sustainable Facilities Tool
...means. Lamps Share Did You Know? Plug loads can average approximately 30% of...attributed to parasitic loads (power draw of a plug-load that is not performing › learn › about › 564 › led-price-drop -
MaterialDetails - GSA Sustainable Facilities Tool
...occupancy-control device. It energizes a plug-load when it receives manual input from...from a user and de-energizes the plug-load automatically based on lack of occupancy › material › 2169 › manual-on-vacancy-off-control-device -
Net Zero Energy Building Examples - GSA Sustainable Facilities Tool
Center Loads for a Large-Scale, Low Energy Office Building Reducing Plug and Process...Process Loads for a Large Scale, Low Energy Office Building: NREL's Research › plan › 422 › net-energy-building-examples -
The Importance of Daylight - GSA Sustainable Facilities Tool
...of Daylight Share Did You Know? Plug loads can average approximately 30% of...attributed to parasitic loads (power draw of a plug-load that is not performing › learn › about › 579 › importance-daylight -
Support Area - Details View - GSA Sustainable Facilities Tool
Manage plug loads by utilizing advanced power strips (APSs) and plug load control...Educate occupants on the importance of plug load management, and assist them in understanding › explore › green-workspace › 87 › support-area -
Cafeteria - Details View - GSA Sustainable Facilities Tool
...excessive humidity in the space. Manage plug-load by selecting products that can be...FEMP-designated appliances. Manage plug-load by selecting products that can be › explore › green-workspace › 88 › cafeteria -
MaterialDetails - GSA Sustainable Facilities Tool
...Load-Sensing Control Device Description Plug loads may have a primary-secondary...operation of other (master) devices. A load-sensing control device should be implemented › material › 2167 › load-sensing-control-device -
Furniture, Fixtures, and Equipment - GSA Sustainable Facilities Tool
...(APS) to control the power supplied to plug-in devices during unoccupied periods...vacancy-off control devices for plug loads such as monitors Deploy scheduled › plan › 264 › furniture-fixtures-equipment -
Building Systems Upgrades - GSA Sustainable Facilities Tool performance Include electrical loads and controls in commissioning plan...(APS) to control the power supplied to plug-in devices during unoccupied periods › plan › 267 › building-systems-upgrades -
Grid-Interactive Efficient Buildings - GSA Sustainable Facilities Tool
...technologies to dynamically shape energy loads, help agencies meet their missions...operators and the taxpayer. Typical Daily Load Profiles by Building Type Source: Rocky › learn › about › 638 › grid-interactive-efficient-buildings -
About - GSA Sustainable Facilities Tool
...everything from water efficiency to plug load reduction. Click through annotated › home › about -
Partnering with the U.S. Department of Energy for Efficiency
Circulator Pump â— Boiler Load Optimization Control Plug Loads â— Data-driven Receptacle...boiler control, reduces waste BOILER LOAD OPTIMIZATION CONTROL AT A GLANCE… Optimizes › Content › attachments › Iswg › iswg-tools › Commercial Buildings Integration Group Update.pdf -
Slide 1
...efficiency, renewables, energy storage and load flexibility GEBs employ all these...shift, modulate or generate electric load as needed In response to utility price › Content › attachments › Iswg › iswg-policies-strategies › 4 - Sandler-Hydras GEB talk for ISWG 12-5-19 v5.pdf -
Submetering - GSA Sustainable Facilities Tool
...ability to analyze specific energy load performance at the system-level, benchmark...efficiency. Accurate estimation of energy loads Submeters are used to more accurately › plan › submetering › electrical-system
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